Defend the Fatherless: Empowering Families, One Monthly Defender at a Time
In the heart of York County, a beacon of hope shines brightly through the efforts of Defend the Fatherless, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting families navigating the transformative journey of fostering and adopting children.
Defend the Fatherless recognizes the many challenges faced by foster and adoptive families. Their mission extends beyond mere assistance, aiming to break the statistic that 50% of families stop fostering within the first year. To address this, they have established initiatives that meet the physical, emotional, educational, financial, and spiritual needs of the families they serve.
One incredible venture is the York County Foster Closet, a space supplying foster and adoptive families with new or gently used baby equipment, youth clothing, diapers, and many other necessities. Beyond material support, they run a frozen meal program that collaborates with local community groups to provide homemade meals to these families. Since the inception of the Frozen Meal Program in 2019, 400 frozen meal shave been distributed. Meeting these tangible needs helps to make life a little easier when welcoming a new child into the home.
Defend the Fatherless does not stop at physical resources; they host a number of community groups throughout the year in order to decrease the social isolation felt by so many foster and adoptive families.
How can you help contribute to this incredible cause?
Become a Monthly Defender: a hero committed to sustaining the crucial work of Defend the Fatherless! Through automated monthly donations, you ensure Defend the Fatherless can continually assist families accessing their many resources. All Monthly Defenders receive a membership gift of a Defender’s T-Shirt, symbolizing their commitment to making a positive impact in our community.
Visit to learn more about the Defender Program and other ways to support this incredible organization. Together, we can empower families, uplift communities, and truly defend the fatherless!